Monday, January 5, 2009

The 4 Stages of 6D

There are 4 stages you will go through when you embark on 6D. Usually each stage will take 2 months to complete. The first stage is the toughest for most of us, and the last stage will come with ease if you persist. Remember not to deviate from the 6D plan and in no time you will gain real riches; time, wealth and health.

Stage One - Sowing Seeds

'You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return.' - Robert Collier
You cannot reap what is not sown. If you are reading this, you are already in possession of the great oat seeds. Seeds need moisture and warmth to germinate.

If you only hold-on to it, nothing will happen. Take action, sow them immediately.

You already have a suitable ground and the right environment to sow them. The right positive environment coupled with strong leadership and reliable business partner provide the foundation for your seeds to germinate.

Take Action:
1. List down your present contacts.
2. Identify 10 to 15 seeds that you want to sow. Select the best 6 seeds to sow.
3. Make appointment and share with them earnestly without pre-judgement.

Its normal to face rejection at this stage. Never give up and continue to seek help from your uplines. Seek to improve your presentation skill. Continue to water your seeds and monitor their progress.

Goal - Aim to have 6 distributors, who are committed, at your first level downline within 2 months.

Stage Two - Young Seedling

With your tender loving care, your seeds have germinated into seedlings and they will be able to produce their own food. Proper guidance and coaching is necessary at this stage.

Take Action:
1. Attend seminars and courses to improve your knowledge and upgrade your skill.
2. Seek help immediately if you encounter obstacles.

Goal - Aim to assist your 6 direct downlines to sow 6 seeds like you. Time frame another 2 months. You should have 36 second level downlines in your group.

Stage Three - Adult Tree
You have persited and now is able to lead your small team to success like yourself.
Goal - Aim to have 216 distributors in your 3rd level organisation. Remember the power of simplicity and duplication. Do not make things complex.

Stage Four - Harvesting
You have arrived now its time to celebrate. You have attained the 6D total of 1,554 downlines in your organisation.

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