Tuesday, December 30, 2008

About 6D

Why do I start 6D?

Like many of my friends I was lost in the rat race. I traded my health and time with my family for advancement in my career. "I got no choice" was the excuse I gave myself for not spending time with my family and friends. The purpose of setting up 6D Plan is to help ordinary people like myself achieve extraordinary rich life through one person helping another.

We treat others like how we like others to treat us. We deal with our team members fairly irregardless of rank or background. We honor our words. If we say we will do it, it is consider done. We take responsibility for our action or non-action.

Highly sought after wholesome product for internal and external use.

To help 6 direct team-mate achieve $15,540 monthy income within 8 months.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Secrets of Negotiation

Today is a sunny day, I brought my girls to swimming lesson. They look forward to it every week. I swam too. It's been a long time since I last swam. Need to improve my stamina and strength.
Meet a friend for lunch at Raffles City, Thai express, one of my favourite.
In the afternoon, attended Lim Weixian coach lesson on the Secrets of Negotiation.
Pick up a lot of technique from him. The lesson was highly interactive. We had role play to practise what was taught. From basic selling a pen, to computer and to finally merger and acquisition.

Learnt nothing is too high a selling price if you dare to ask and nothing is too low a price if you dare to offer. Negotiation is about win-win for both; and solving the other party problem without compromising our own. I have to utilise visual, audio and kinetic to bring my message across to the other party and many more...

Very fulfilling day.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A thousand Mile begins and ends with a single step...laozhi

I was lost just like many of my friends...I've not found THE purpose of my existence. Searching high and low...trying different trade...going through roller coaster in my relationship...alas finally I've finally found my purpose in the world.

I envision myself as a compassionate healer whose touch can cure many diseases. I am a patient listener who can provide comfort and encouragement for those sadden soul. I also hold the light to guide those in despair to success. You can call me a healer coach.
That's my greater purpose in life.

Have you found yours?

Overcoming Fear

I learn from my coach Mr Lim, that one of the biggest obstacle preventing me from taking action is - FEAR.

  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of rejection
  • Fear of disapproval
  • Fear of making mistake
  • Fear of making wrong decision
  • Fear of fear?!

Most of the fear have been with me since I was a little child. Remember how my parents used to tell me, "Don't run too fast if not you'll fall down", "be careful, don't make mistake", "don't anyhow spend your money, money is hard earn."

Once I recognise those fear where no longer valid and they do not serve any productive purpose anymore, I choose to let them go.

Overcoming Fear

Frist Step - Awareness

The first step to overcome fear is to be aware of it. Once I recognise it, then I can overcome it.

Second Step - Acceptance

Accept that fear is a natural protection so that I do not hurt ourselve. If something does not cause me my life, I would tell fear thank you for sharing.

Third Step - Practice being confidence

Like how a basketball player practice his shoot to improve his accuracy, I can also get better by making more mistakes and learning from it. I need more bad experience to make it right.

These simple steps will greatly move me into action. The secret to success is very simple, 'do want most of the crowd fear most'. I'll act in spite of fear, whatever it takes.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Music for the tired soul

Happy 2009!!!

Click to play Happy 2009
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To suceed, which is more important? Hardwork or your business partner?

Just imagine working hard all your life to pursue your dream but in the end your business partner failed...dragging you down too.

A reliable business partner is like a table with 4 solid legs. It provides a strong platform and foundation for you to 'dance' without worries.

How then can you choose your business partners?

It must have the 4-supporting legs as follows:
Stable Platform

4-Supporting Legs
  • International presence - able to ride out regional fluctuation

  • Reliable track record and history - resilence and survived through economic downturns

  • Systemic approach - easy to duplicate and succeed

  • Strong R&D - ensure product are competitive and in great demand

Stability ensures the business is long term so it can be inherited. How would you like to leave a legacy in your name for the benefits of charity or your love ones?
Remember to choose the right business partner.

By Jimmy Lim All Rights reserved.

Who would you save first?


1) Draw 9 square as illustrated above.

2) Write your name in the middle square.

3) Write the name of 8 important persons in your life in the remaining squares.

Imagine all 9 of you are sailing in the same boat. Suddenly there is heavy thunderstorms, causing gigantic waves which capsized the little boat. You are the only strong swimmer and can only save one person at a time.

Who would you save first? Why?

Would you stop even if you are exhausted? Can you afford to slow down?

In real life, when we 'sink' our love ones are affected and not only we have to succeed for ourselves but most importantly you want to succeed for the 8 persons listed in your squares.

We cannot afford to slow down despite rejection, fear, tiredness etc,. cause them are awaiting for us to save them.

The next time you even thought of quiting, remember the 8 names. They will give us courage to face the real world and drive us to achieve success in life.

Monday, December 8, 2008

change is the only thing that is constant

You probably heard this before " the only thing that does not change is change itself".
How fast you adapt is how fast you can compete in the current environment. Good time or bad time you must always prepare yourself for changes.
One of the important lesson I learn about changes is that "Accept it with graciousness as the higher authority is testing if I have want it takes to be successful."
The next time changes come you way, face it head on and move on rapidly...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

lead generation

thoughts of generating more leads for your business?
1) social sites e.g facebook, frienster, tagged, msn
2) current contacts e.g. friends, school, social work, professionals, service providers
3) cool cold
4) distribute flyers
5) buy mailing list
6) Refferals
7) Directory e.g professional, public phone, yellow page
8) existing friends
9) colleague
10) interest group
11) childrens' friend parents/teachers
12) booth
13) Seminars/talk
14) neighbourhood

Friday, December 5, 2008

How successful are you? System

1) What is a system?
Making complicated things easy.

2) What are the 4 Cs of a system?
a) Continue Education - training, assessment, accrediation
b) Common Platform
c) Committment
d) Communication

3) How to Implement?
a) Set Common Goal like financial freedom, leave a legacy, help the society
b) Generate interest/leads
c) Appoint leaders

4) Pause and Check
a) Update and change goals
b) Awards and Recognition
c) Incentive


ups and downs ups and downs
that's how i feel about relationship...
when times are good both are so loveable
but when times are bad both are enermy

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Beautiful destination for honeymoon couple...I was there many years back feels like visiting again...

Been busy

I was recently invloved in setting up a new shop with partners and also help out the same for a close friend. Finally, the new shop will be ready, after some challenges, next Tue 24 June 2008. It provide traditional massage in SPA ambience. Good value for money. Give my tired body and soul a good charge-up ha ha...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lost & Found

I had many interesting events going on for the past months; some happy some sad. Anyway i'm back to my blog page.
I'll begin where i left from today.